Thursday, February 9, 2012

Why Gold & Silver- Gods Money Is Eternal & Always Holds Its Value, Become A Numis Coin Collector_41060

Numismatic coins historically have outperformed bullion coins. More specifically 損erfect MS703 numismatic coins.

Here is a brief comparison:

2009 Bullion = $20

2009 MS 69 American Silver Eagle = $30

2009 MS 70 Numis Network American Silver Eagle Flagship Coin = $125 [affordable]

1997 MS 70 American Silver Eagle = $500

One of the most important aspects is the condition of the coin. Numismatic coins are graded on a Sheldon scale from 1-70 with 70 being the highest grade possible. Any coin graded at 70 is a perfect coin and is the best you can buy. Numis Network only deals with the best, therefore they only sell mint state 70 coins.

As the federal reserves continues to print fiat money ?currency that is not backed by gold, the value of paper money goes down, which inflation and taxation rates increase!

In light of this, the Numis Network is taking advantage of 2 trends. Taking advantages of trends is what makes an opportunity explosive. Just ask Bill Gates who say he say the trend in computers, he happened to be at the right place and at the right time, and he pounced swiftly and without hesitation! this is what makes it such an explosive opportunity.

One such trend is the gold and silver industry. It is virtually impossible to even turn on the T.V. or radio and not hear an ad talking about gold or silver. The value of gold and silver has gone through the roof and its only just began as the value of the dollar continues to plummet.

Why Numismatic Coins?

1. Haggai 2:8 揟he silver is mine, and the gold is mine, saith the LORD of hosts.?Paper money is manmade. Because it is manmade 1 Timothy 6:10 gave this warning 搕he love of Money, is the root of all evil!?br />
2. We are commanded to gather, collect gold and silver. In Rev 3:18 we read 揑 counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich...?br />
The counsel is for us to buy gold, that gold which the God of this earth created, His gold, and the reason is given--so that we may be rich! The topic of money covers many spiritual principles; and gold and silver fulfill God's principles, and paper money is a rejection of all of God's spiritual principles! Why because God deals in REAL value!

3. They are the most affordable!

Coin collecting is known as the 揾obby of kings?with a huge market. In fact it is a $10 Billion dollar industry just within the U.S. and a $100 Billion dollar industry worldwide! It抯 time that you finally got a piece of the pie. Cash In, You Deserve It! Find Out How AustinSilverPro.Com

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