Thursday, February 9, 2012

Why Do We No Longer Need To Use Our Clairvoyant Powers-_32921

It's really no surprise that clairvoyant powers have always been shrouded in a great deal of mystery. Individuals that are clairvoyant possess an unique gift that often scares and confuses people that don't possess paranormal capabilities. Why do people feel this way? It's because people with clairvoyant powers have knowledge of the unknown and those that without this ability resent the clairvoyant's ability to see the present, past, and future.

If you're wondering exactly what clairvoyant power are, they are basically a way to see more than most people do. Everyone has five senses, but a clairvoyant has six senses, allowing them to use extra sensory perception to see things which are not present in the natural world. This ability permits them to make predictions and see the past through an ability which is regarded as retro-cognition.

Clairvoyance is not a modern day phenomenon and has been in practice since primeval times. Today clairvoyants give readings in order to help people find the answers to problems in their life. This can be on anything from helping them decide on the best career path, and even find their true love.

These days, generally speaking, people are not jealous or fearful of those possessing clairvoyant powers. In fact we are all born with dormant clairvoyant powers and can develop them if we choose to do so.

If you are ready to tap into your source of power and develop your clairvoyant abilities you need to clear your psyche. The best way to accomplish this is with meditation.

Those who are clairvoyant have generally let go of most of the negative aspects which separate them from other people. The negative feelings and thoughts will keep you blinded from the truth.

With regular meditation you will see the strength that is buried within you, and you will be able to take hold of it and use it to your advantage. Make sure that you get rid of any negative parts, and attempt to keep the positive. If you do this, then it will be simpler for you, and you will have many new capabilities.

Your meditation sessions should occur every day for at least 30 minutes at a time. It is important to choose a quiet place that has no distractions. Also, take care to choose a place that is free from negative energy. Some who are learning to open up to their potential may choose to meditate outside, allowing nature and the universe to help them release those negative energies.

Pay attention to your feelings as you meditate and use deep breathing to release those negative energies. This will make you more aware of natural vibrations and changes that happen in the world. This is a skill that allows those with clairvoyant powers to see and sometimes feel events before they happen.

One additional thing that you can do to help yourself is to put yourself in the mind of a child. What exactly will this do? Essentially, children can see things that adults simply cannot because their logic and reasoning skills are not quite developed.

Learn to free your mind to pursue thoughts and ideas that you have always shut off before. Release your inhibitions and let all fear go, allow yourself to connect with the universe around you and realize that everything and everyone is connected.

Now after you have made meditation a part and parcel of your life, to give your now developed power and energy the reigning position and to enhance its refinement more, you can purchase a deck of tarot cards. Both the practice of card reading and chirology (palm reading) requires a physical participation of the practitioner or the pursuer, thus giving accurate results and allowing better analysis of the signs and symbols that appear to you.

One way to practice using your newly developed powers is to give clairvoyant readings at no cost. With continued meditation you will start to see auras that surround individuals.

This makes you more in tune with what will happen in their lives and making you see deeper, enhancing your ability to perceive not only the present and future but also the past, the most difficult of clairvoyant powers to harness.

An ability which many people do not speak of, is the ability to speak to the dead. To use something like this you will need to let go of those fears and dispositions related to speaking with the dead and seeing apparitions.

You don't need to be afraid of this ability, speaking to the dead is much like speaking to a real person. If you can do it then your powers truly have come a long way because you can see and hear things that most other people cannot.

As you begin to travel along this path you will begin to see that everyone has the ability to be clairvoyant. It just takes some effort to develop the skills. As you begin to dig deep into your internal system you will begin to change not only your life, but that of others as your clairvoyant powers develop.

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