Thursday, July 25, 2013

鍝堝皵鐨勭Щ鍔ㄥ煄鍫_Howl鈥檚 Moving Castle_173

I can reach them.鈥� 鈥淐an you pick up logs?鈥�Sophie asked, intrigued in spite of her impatience.
For answer, Calcifer stretched out a blue arm-shaped flame divided into green fingerlike flames at the end. It was not very long, nor did it look strong. 鈥淪ee? I can almost reach the hearth,鈥�he said proudly.
Sophie stacked a pile of logs in front of the grate so that Calcifer could at least reach the top one. 鈥淵ou鈥檙e not to burn them until you鈥檝e got them in the grate,鈥�she warned him, and she set off for the door yet again.
This time somebody knocked on it before she got there.
It was one of those days, Sophie thought. It must be the sea captain. She put up her hand to turn the knob blue-down.
鈥淣o, it鈥檚 the castle door,鈥�Calcifer said. 鈥淏ut I鈥檓 not sure-鈥� Then it was Michael back for some reason, Sophie thought as she opened the door.
A turnip face leered at her. She smelled mildew. Against the wide blue sky, a ragged arm ending in a stump of a stick wheeled round and tried to paw at her. It was a scarecrow. It

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