Wednesday, July 31, 2013

绾冲凹浜氫紶濂囷細鍑柉瀹剧帇瀛怭rince Caspian_ The Return t_171

灏辫繖鏍凤紝浠栦滑涓�竟璧�杈瑰洖蹇嗙潃銆傚綋鑻忕強鎹笅鐖卞痉钂欐椂锛屼粬浠凡缁忚蛋浜嗕竴澶у崐璺▼銆傚墠闈㈢殑娴峰哺涓嶈繙浜嗏�鈥斾粬浠兂璧峰綋骞磋繖閲屾浘鏄竴鐗囧紑闃旂殑骞冲師锛屾槸璁稿濂芥湅鍙嬭仛浼氱殑鍦版柟锛岀幇鍦ㄥ嵈闀挎弧浜嗛噹鏍戞潅鑽夛紝鏄惧緱鍗佸垎鑽掑噳銆傝Е鏅敓鎯咃紝瀛╁瓙浠績涓笉鐢辩敓鍑鸿澶氭劅鎱ㄣ� "鍢�杩欒繕鐪熸槸涓疮浜虹殑娲诲効銆�褰煎緱宸叉槸姹楁祦娴冭儗銆�鎴戞潵鍒掍竴浼氬効鍚�"闇茶寽璇淬�! "涓嶈锛屼綘澶皬銆�褰煎緱绠�煭鍦板洖绛旓紝杩欏苟涓嶆槸浠栧厜鐏簡锛岃�鏄洜涓轰粬娌℃湁绮剧璇磋瘽浜嗐�
Chapter 9
SUSAN and the two boys were bitterly tired with rowing before they rounded the last headland and began the final pull up Glasswater itself, and Lucy's head ached from the long hours of sun and the glare on the water. Even Trumpkin longed for the voyage to be over. The seat on which he sat to steer had been made for men, not Dwarfs, and his feet did not reach the floor-boards; and everyone knows how uncomfortable that is even for ten minutes. And as they all grew more tired, their spirits fell. Up till now the children had only been thinking of how to get to Caspian. Now they wondered what they would do when they found him, and how a handful of Dwarfs and woodland creatures could defeat an army of grown-up Humans.
Twilight was coming on as they

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