Sunday, August 11, 2013

The Brown Fairy Book_160

in.鈥�And though Helga was very unwilling to go, something inside her forced her to obey.
The old man settled her comfortably, then sprang up in front of her as easily as if he had been a boy, and, shaking the reins, they were soon out of sight.
After some miles they rode through a meadow with grass so green that Helga鈥檚 eyes felt quite dazzled; and feeding on the grass were a quantity of large fat sheep, with the curliest and whitest wool in the world.
鈥榃hat lovely sheep,cheap furla handbags! whose are they?鈥�cried Helga.
鈥榊our Habogi鈥檚,鈥�answered he, 鈥榓ll that you see belongs to him; but the finest sheep in the whole herd, which has little golden bells hanging between its horns, you shall have for yourself.鈥� This pleased Helga very much, for she had never had anything of her own; and she smiled quite happily as she thanked Habogi for his present.
They soon left the sheep behind them, and entered a large field with a river running through it,cheap furla bags, where a number of beautiful grey cows were standing by a gate waiting for a milk-maid

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